Friday, February 12, 2010

Docent Note: A Timeline for Raphael's Life

A Timeline for Raphael

  • 1483 – Raphael is born in Urbino, Northeastern Italy, on Good Friday.. His father, Giovanni Santi, is an artist and poet attached to the very sophisticated court there.
  • 1491 – His mother dies
  • 1494 – His father dies. Raphael is apprenticed to Perugino at some point in his teens.
  • 1495 (Leonardo da Vinci completes Last Supper, Michelangelo completes Pieta)
  • 1499 – (Michelangelo completes Vatican Pieta)
  • 1500 – At 17, Raphael is a master in his own right. Does commissions and collaborations in Perugia, Siena, Citta di Castello
  • 1503-6 – (Leonardo - Mona Lisa).
  • 1504 – Raphael moves to Florence. (Michelangelo installs David )
  • 1505-7 – Raphael works in Florence and Perugia
  • 1506 (Pope Julius II hires Bramante to rebuild Saint Peter’s)
  • 1508 –Raphael moves to Rome, starts work on frescos for the Vatican Stanze (rooms) for Pope Julius II. (Michelangelo starts on the Sistine Ceiling)
  • 1509- (Albrecht Durer does woodcut of Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple)
  • 1510 – Raphael meets Agostino Chigi who will commission architectural projects as well as painting.
  • 1512 – Raphael does Portrait of Julius II and the Sistine Madonna
  • 1513 –Pope Julius II dies, is replaced by Leo X, a Medici
  • 1514 – Raphael works on Stanze, appointed architect of Saint Peter’s on Bramante’s death, does private architectural work
  • 1514-15 –Raphael does portraits of Castiglione, La Velata,
  • 1515- Raphael is appointed by Pope to oversee all archaeological excavations, and to use what he wants in the restoration of St Peter’s
  • 1517- Martin Luther posts his Theses in reaction to the excessive amounts Pope was levying ( through indulgences), to pay for restoration of St Peter’s – start of Reformation!
  • 1518 –Raphael works on plans for St. Peter’s with asst architect Sangallo. Raphael does a portrait of Pope Leo X. He is by this time running a large workshop with many artists.
  • 1518-19 –Raphael paints La Fornarina
  • 1519 – Leonardo dies in France
  • 1520 – Raphael, works on panel of Transfiguration. He dies on Good Friday, April 6. His fiancee, Maria Bibbiena, preceded him in death earlier this year. They are both buried in the Pantheon. His leaves money for the woman who was said to be his true love (and maybe his wife?) – Margherita Luti, known as the Fornarina, (the baker’s daughter). In August of this year a woman of the same name, listed as a widow, enters the protection of the convent of S. Apollonia
  • 1550 – Vasari writes the first true art history, The Lives of the Artists, and is thus Raphael’s first biographer.
  • 1564 – Michelangelo dies.
-- Kathleen Durham

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